
Weekly Words for Parents to Encourage Your Children - Tidbits of Information to Build Positive Relationships with Your Teen.

Make sure that you know your child's teachers, counselor and the principal of the school.  Below you can watch a video that will point you to some questions you can ask to help build a positive relationship with your child's teachers.  


When your child is having an issue at school and you don't know what to say, you can start with, "You seem to be sincere."

Children need to know that you hear them and that they are being understood.  You may want to "restate" what your child is telling you so that they know they've been heard.

How many parents have heard this scenario, "I've tried to ask questions about her/his mood. But I keep getting, "everything is fine or I'm good."  Building a strong relationship with your teenager takes creativity.  

Questions to Ask Your Teen

What do you feel are the most important things to living a great life? 

We all, at some point, want to think that we can control everything.  Then we soon discover that we can't control anything except ourselves.  Here are a few things that YOU can control: