All In Educational Consultants 


Better than tutoring

"Educational Counseling with Purpose"

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."



To the Students:

You are born with gifts and talents.  The great American writer Mark Twain said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."  Discover the passion and purpose for your life. Ask yourself, "What do I love doing?" "What am I already good at doing?"  Everything that you do requires you to make a decision.  Decision making is a valuable tool to use in your everyday living.  However, there are many outside influences that may cause us to make the wrong decisions: social media, friends, family, television, and the list goes on.  How do you determine which is which?  Most times, we can decipher if something is not good because it causes us to feel indifference, unhappy, hurt, anxious, fearful, and hopeless.  But what about those things that promote your interest and encourages you to challenge yourself.  YOU are the director of your life.   YOU can move on.  YOU can redirect your situation.  And you can look back and say that you are truly designing your life.

"The wealthiest places in the world are not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran.  They are not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world.  The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road.  It is the cemetery.  There lies buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted.  In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential."   ~Myles Munroe

 AINEC is here to help you reach your full potential.


When a student needs help academically, parents typically focus on finding a tutor.  A tutor will always focus on academic performance which will improve grades but does not always achieve the desired results long term. We know that self awareness is a necessity in addition to tutoring for long term success.  Our program, The P.A.T.H. can ensure life long results to assist you in achieving your goals.  The P.A.T.H. will help you to process the events in your lifeThe P.A.T.H. will help to encourage a positive outlook for students to develop themselves academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.  Self-Efficacy is your belief about how effectively you can achieve in any area of your life.   How you feel about yourself determines the quality of your life.  You will begin to accept yourself where you are and become confident and willing to challenge yourself.  Loving yourself means honoring, respecting, and valuing who you are, as well as those around you.